Privacy Policy

This is a Privacy Policy that describes how collects information about our visitors. It also describes why the collection is made and if and when any of the information is shared to third parties. We are commited by law to maintin the privacy and security of our visitors and their personal data. With this Privacy Policy we comply with current data protection laws.

What personal data do we collect?

  • IP adress
  • Name
  • Email
  • Geographical location

Why do we collect this data?

The main reason we collect this data is to provide our visitors service via our contact form. We also collect data in order to improve the site and user experience. Another reason to why we collect personal data is to be able to analyze the traffic and create more relvant content.

Who do we share your data with?

The information that you leave when you use our contact form is not shared with any third part. The information is only saved until the issue is resolved.

When you visit we store third-part cookies on your computer. This information is shared with Google as we use Google Analytics to collect cookies.

How long do we keep your information?

Information from our contact form is only kept as long as we need it to help you. Information that we get through Google Analytics is stored for 26 months.


We collect information and personal data about you via cookies. You can read more about cookies to get an idea of what it is. Cookies are small datafiles that is store on your computer when you visit a website like ours. When you accept cookies you will automatically get a better user experience. When cookies are store on your computer you don't have to make settings every time you visit a website. Instead your browser will remember your settings and apply them automatically.

Cookies enable for us to analyze how our users act on our website. With this information we can create a better and more user friendly website. The store of cookies will not harm your computer. Neither will it violate on your personal identity. Despite this you have the option to turn off the use of cookies. You can read more about that here.

The rights you have over your personal data

If you don't want us to store your personal data you can contact us on info[at] We will then erase the personal data we have stored. We will only store data that we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

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